Discover Volume 5

Biggest OR release yet

Over 3 hours of narrated video, in Orchestration Recipes’ signature super-clear style:

From sketch to completion

20 new orchestrated builds, with every step laid out, and all the harmonic thinking laid bare. Follow the steps, recreate the sound.

Preview the new chapters:

Running time: 3 hours 04 min

Format: Narrated Video

Downloads: MIDI, Audio, Scores

New orchestrated examples: 20

Libraries needed: Whatever you have

What’s in Volume 5?

Octatonic Swatches

Keyless, infinitely modulating wonder generators

Settle into any cinema seat and music powered by Octatonics is almost inevitable—this is a set of notes that wants to tell stories. We deconstruct 6 very different octatonic orchestral cues, so you can create similar cues of your own.

(Audio below is from Section 6)

  • Section 1:Tutti Octatonic foundations
  • Section 2:Baton change foundations
  • Section 3:Strategies for octatonic melodic lines
  • Section 4:Sordino string chordless creepiness
  • Section 5:High impact octatonic stacks
  • Section 6:Epic tutti infinity progressions

Bookend Triads

Rich, melody-wrapped four voice harmony

Melodies that project. Harmonies that envelop. All compressed into a single octave, and deployable anywhere outside the very lowest range of the orchestra. Cues ranging from elven citadels, to brass chorales, to carollers in the snow, to Aston Martins and shaken martinis.

(Audio below is from Section 5 )

  • Section 1:Stratospheric layering with strings and winds
  • Section 2:Orchestrating outside bookends
  • Section 3:Shaping the interior: brass chorales
  • Section 4:Speed-write 007 mockup
  • Section 5:Bookends for big sounds from small ensembles

Quartal Lattices

Triad Transcending
Modular 4ths

Not only do a whole new world of possibilities open up when you start thinking in 4ths, but these are sounds that are out of reach until you do. We explore 4 very different orchestrated examples outlining the shift in thinking you need to deploy—and manage—music’s alternative lattice.

(Audio below is from Section 1)

  • Section 1:High winds pedal points and quartal scalesets
  • Section 2:Holst orchestration with quartal stamps
  • Section 3:Freeing up orchestral range with inversions
  • Section 4:Moodsetting with inverted quartal stacks

Dorian Snowlines

Adventure and immersion for fantasy world-building

It’s almost impossible to score for high fantasy without leaning on Dorian mode at some point, but there’s more to Dorian than Middle Earth. We look at how to use it to summon worlds, both mythical and modern, with five very different orchestral cues and workflows.

(Audio below is from Section 5)

  • Section 1:High fantasy tavern-sized ensemble
  • Section 2:Twin dorian riffs for TV theme
  • Section 3:Dorian game soundscapes
  • Section 4:Painting melodies with Dorian clusters
  • Section 5:Live loop sea shanties

Previously covered in Volumes 3 & 4